Just got back from SIA in Denver, CO. For those of you who don't know, SIA is the largest snow-sport tradeshow and showcase of all upcoming gear. For us, it meant a week of scoping some of the hottest 2012 / 2013 gear, chatting it up with all our reps and friends, missing appointments, drinking plenty of beer, and shredding our faces off in Winter Park.
Big shout out to Jason Lybeck (The Faction), EB and Sean from Quicksilver, Pete Fobes, Mike Pettit (The Youth Shelter), Scott Ladwig and Sean Johnson from STEPCHILD, Nate from NIKE, Bjorn and Steve from Celtek, KLOCKER!!!, and Dad (Cal-Surf).
Flying to Denver, holding down first class.
Ashbury overload!
Now this is a board for us... Sorry for Partying. Rome Artifact 2013.
Some Travis Rice hype.
The ever-popular Skate Banana.
Lib Tech wants to eat your brain next season...
Ben and Jason with shred legend Jamie Lynn!
Sake for Jason, Alex and Ben!
Volcom knows good sushi...
Here's to Minnesota boys! Thanks Klocker!!!
Minnesota with shred legend Bryan Iguchi!
Neff throws one hell of a party.
Olson and Fenton. #wedrinkmorebeerthanyou
Dan and Dad.
What the hell is 1817?
Art of Flight bus...
Pretty cozy up in this joint...
Free beer!
Munchie and Big Don from the FL.
Boozy lives!
Pack up those catalogs... Time to head to Winter Park!
Lib Tech / GNU on snow booth... Demo whatever you want!
Holy tents!
Minnesota was all up in this bizz.
Brandon Larson, Viktor, Alex, and Mike Pettit.
Viktor always making friends.
Shred till' dead (again).
One hell of a vacation...
More beer? #wedefinitelydrinkmorebeerthanyou
Jeeze fatty.
Alex helping Viktor drink some more beer.
Until next time boys...