We have been working on this project for quite some time
and super stoked to bring you a resurfaced Midtown Skatepark.
We've adopted this park from the city and plan
on making more improvements next spring.
Get ready for some fresh new features and kick ass events coming soon!
-Ben Olson
High fives to all the volunteers (Bjorn, Omally, Tanman,
Eric C, Booth, Feick, Tummer, Wyatt, Trev, Dailey,
Hardcastle, Danny, CJ, and Troy) who helped with tearing
down and assembling the ramp. We would also like to thank
the folks at Duluth Parks and Req for assisting in this project.
Eric C, Booth, Feick, Tummer, Wyatt, Trev, Dailey,
Hardcastle, Danny, CJ, and Troy) who helped with tearing
down and assembling the ramp. We would also like to thank
the folks at Duluth Parks and Req for assisting in this project.